1 base
adj.host.f.1 foundations (parte inferior) (de edificio).base de maquillaje foundation (cream)2 basis (fundamento, origen).el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oilese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sandpartimos de la base de que… we assume that…sentar las bases para to lay the foundations of3 base.base aérea air basebase espacial space stationbase de lanzamiento launch sitebase naval naval basebase de operaciones operational base4 base (chemistry).5 base (math & geometry).6 base.7 makeup.8 radix, base of a system of numbers or logarithms.pres.subj.1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: basar.* * *1 (gen) base2 figurado basis■ si partimos de la base de que... if we start from the premise that...3 QUÍMICA base, alkali4 MATEMÁTICAS base5 (en béisbol) base1 (de concurso) rules2 las bases (de partido etc) grass roots, rank and file\a base de bien familiar really wellen base a based on, on the basis ofbase aérea air basebase de datos databasebase de datos documental documentary databasebase de datos relacional relational databasebase de lanzamiento launch sitebase de operaciones operational headquartersbase imponible taxable incomebase naval naval base* * *noun f.1) base2) basis•* * *1. SF1) (=parte inferior) basela fecha de caducidad viene en la base del paquete — the use-by date is on the base o the bottom of the pack
2) (=fondo) [de pintura] background; [de maquillaje] foundation3) (=fundamento) basis•
carecer de base — [acusación] to lack foundation, be unfounded; [argumento] to lack justification, be unjustified•
de base — [error, dato] basic, fundamental; [activista, apoyo] grass-roots antes de s•
en base a [uso periodístico] —en base a que: no publicaron la carta en base a que era demasiado larga — they didn't publish the letter because it was too long
partir de una base, un juez tiene que partir de una base de neutralidad absoluta — a judge must start out from a position of absolute neutralitypartiendo de esta base, nos planteamos la necesidad... — on this assumption, we think it necessary...
partir de la base de que... — to take as one's starting point that...
sentar las bases de algo — to lay the foundations of sthChomsky sentó las bases de la gramática generativa — Chomsky laid the foundations of generative grammar
su visita sentó las bases para una futura cooperación — her visit paved the way for o laid the foundations of future cooperation
sobre la base de algo — on the basis of sthhay que negociar sobre la base de resoluciones previas — we must negotiate on the basis of previous resolutions
4) (=componente principal)•
a base de algo, una dieta a base de arroz — a rice-based diet, a diet based on riceun plato a base de verduras — a vegetable-based dish, a dish based on vegetables
a base de hacer algo — by doing sthasí, a base de no hacer nada, poco vas a conseguir — you won't achieve much by doing nothing
a base de insistir, la convenció para comprar la casa — by o through his insistence, he persuaded her to buy the house
a base de bien Esp * —
base imponible — (Econ) taxable income
5) (=conocimientos básicos) groundingeste manual le aportará una buena base de química — this handbook will give you a good grounding in chemistry
6) (Mil) base7) pl basesa) (=condiciones) [de concurso] conditions, rules; [de convocatoria] requirementsb) (Pol)8) (Inform)9) (Mat) [en una potencia] base10) (Quím) base11) (Téc) base, mounting12) (Agrimensura) base, base line13) (Ling) (tb: base derivativa) base form14) (Béisbol) base15) ** (=droga) base2.SMF (Baloncesto) guard3. ADJ INV2) (=básico) [idea] basic; [documento, texto] provisional, drafthan aprobado el texto base para el nuevo convenio — they have approved the provisional o draft text of the new agreement
alimento base — staple (food)salario, sueldo•
color base — base colour o (EEUU) color* * *I1)a) ( parte inferior) baseb) tb2)a) ( fundamento)b) ( componente principal)c) ( conocimientos básicos)3) (en locs)a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well
4) ( centro de operaciones) basebase aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base
5)las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)
6) (Mat, Quím) base7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)8)a) ( en béisbol) baseb) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guardIIadjetivo invariablea) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)b) < campamento> base (before n)* * *= base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.Ex. The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.Ex. The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.Ex. The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex. We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.Ex. The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.Ex. Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.Ex. In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.Ex. The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.Ex. The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.Ex. 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.Ex. Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.----* a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.* a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].* a base de cometer errores = the hard way.* a base de errores = the hard way.* afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.* aplicar una capa base = prime.* aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.* banda de base = baseband.* basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.* base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].* base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.* base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.* base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.* base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.* base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.* base de datos comercial = commercial database.* base de datos completa = full-provision database.* base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.* base de datos cruzada = cross database.* base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.* base de datos de autoridades = authority database.* base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.* base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.* base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.* base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.* base de datos de educación = ERIC.* base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.* base de datos de investigación = research database.* base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.* base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.* base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.* base de datos de negocios = business database.* base de datos de pago = subscription database.* base de datos de patentes = WPI.* base de datos de propiedades = properties database.* base de datos de referencia = reference database.* base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.* base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.* base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.* base de datos de texto completo = full text database.* base de datos de texto libre = free text database.* base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.* base de datos distribuida = distributed database.* base de datos documental = textual data base.* base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.* base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.* base de datos en estado original = raw database.* base de datos en línea = online database.* base de datos estadística = statistical database.* base de datos externa = external database.* base de datos factual = factual database.* base de datos financiera = financial database.* base de datos interna = in-house database.* base de datos jurídica = legal database.* base de datos local = local area database.* base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.* base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.* base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.* base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.* base de datos relacional = relational database.* base de datos residente = resident database.* base de datos terminológica = terminology database.* base de datos textual = textual data base.* base de operaciones = home base.* base de un número = subscript numeral.* base impositiva = tax base.* base lógica = rationale.* base militar = military base.* bases = background.* base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.* búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.* campamento base = base camp.* comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* como base para = as a basis for.* con base de arena = sand-based.* con base empírica = empirically-based.* con base en = based in.* conformar las bases = set + the framework.* conocimiento de base = foundation study.* constituir la base = form + the foundation.* constituir la base de = form + the basis of.* construir la base = form + the skeleton.* creador de bases de datos = database producer.* crear una base = form + a basis.* de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].* descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).* directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.* distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.* distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.* empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.* en la base = at the core (of).* en su base = at its core.* específico de una base de datos = database-specific.* formar la base = form + the foundation.* formar la base de = form + the basis of.* gestión de bases de datos = database management.* gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.* gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.* hecho a base de parches = patchwork.* industria de las bases de datos = database industry.* línea base = baseline [base line].* meta base de datos = meta-database.* montar una base de datos = mount + database.* novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.* organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.* partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.* poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.* portada de una base de datos = file banner.* presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.* productor de bases de datos = database producer.* programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.* proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.* que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.* remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.* sentar base = make + things happen.* sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.* sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.* ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.* sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.* sobre base de arena = sand-based.* sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.* sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.* subsistir a base de = live on.* tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.* tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.* * *I1)a) ( parte inferior) baseb) tb2)a) ( fundamento)b) ( componente principal)c) ( conocimientos básicos)3) (en locs)a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well
4) ( centro de operaciones) basebase aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base
5)las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)
6) (Mat, Quím) base7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)8)a) ( en béisbol) baseb) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guardIIadjetivo invariablea) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)b) < campamento> base (before n)* * *= base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.Ex: The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.
Ex: The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.Ex: The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.Ex: The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.Ex: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.Ex: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.Ex: The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.Ex: The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.Ex: 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.Ex: Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.* a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.* a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].* a base de cometer errores = the hard way.* a base de errores = the hard way.* afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.* aplicar una capa base = prime.* aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.* banda de base = baseband.* basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.* base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].* base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.* base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.* base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.* base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.* base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.* base de datos comercial = commercial database.* base de datos completa = full-provision database.* base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.* base de datos cruzada = cross database.* base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.* base de datos de autoridades = authority database.* base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.* base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.* base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.* base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.* base de datos de educación = ERIC.* base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.* base de datos de investigación = research database.* base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.* base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.* base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.* base de datos de negocios = business database.* base de datos de pago = subscription database.* base de datos de patentes = WPI.* base de datos de propiedades = properties database.* base de datos de referencia = reference database.* base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.* base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.* base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.* base de datos de texto completo = full text database.* base de datos de texto libre = free text database.* base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.* base de datos distribuida = distributed database.* base de datos documental = textual data base.* base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.* base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.* base de datos en estado original = raw database.* base de datos en línea = online database.* base de datos estadística = statistical database.* base de datos externa = external database.* base de datos factual = factual database.* base de datos financiera = financial database.* base de datos interna = in-house database.* base de datos jurídica = legal database.* base de datos local = local area database.* base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.* base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.* base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.* base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.* base de datos relacional = relational database.* base de datos residente = resident database.* base de datos terminológica = terminology database.* base de datos textual = textual data base.* base de operaciones = home base.* base de un número = subscript numeral.* base impositiva = tax base.* base lógica = rationale.* base militar = military base.* bases = background.* base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.* búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.* campamento base = base camp.* comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* como base para = as a basis for.* con base de arena = sand-based.* con base empírica = empirically-based.* con base en = based in.* conformar las bases = set + the framework.* conocimiento de base = foundation study.* constituir la base = form + the foundation.* constituir la base de = form + the basis of.* construir la base = form + the skeleton.* creador de bases de datos = database producer.* crear una base = form + a basis.* de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].* descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).* directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.* distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.* distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.* empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.* en la base = at the core (of).* en su base = at its core.* específico de una base de datos = database-specific.* formar la base = form + the foundation.* formar la base de = form + the basis of.* gestión de bases de datos = database management.* gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.* gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.* hecho a base de parches = patchwork.* industria de las bases de datos = database industry.* línea base = baseline [base line].* meta base de datos = meta-database.* montar una base de datos = mount + database.* novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.* organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.* partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.* poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.* portada de una base de datos = file banner.* presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.* productor de bases de datos = database producer.* programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.* proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.* que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.* remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.* sentar base = make + things happen.* sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.* sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.* ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.* sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.* sobre base de arena = sand-based.* sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.* sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.* subsistir a base de = live on.* tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.* tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.* * *base1A1 (parte inferior) basela base de una columna the base of a columnel contraste está en la base the hallmark is on the base o the bottom2 (fondo) backgroundsobre una base de tonos claros against o on a background of light tones3tb base de maquillaje foundation4 (permanente) soft permB1(fundamento): no tienes suficiente base para asegurar eso you don't have sufficient grounds to claim thatla base de una buena salud es una alimentación sana the basis of good health is a balanced dietesa afirmación carece de bases sólidas that statement is not founded o based on any firm evidencesentar las bases de un acuerdo to lay the foundations of an agreementun movimiento sin base popular a movement without a popular power basetomar algo como base to take sth as a starting pointpartiendo or si partimos de la base de que … if we start from the premise o assumption that …sobre la base de estos datos podemos concluir que … on the basis of this information we can conclude that …2(componente principal): la base de su alimentación es el arroz rice is their staple food, their diet is based on ricela base de este perfume es el jazmín this perfume has a jasmine base, this is a jasmine-based perfumelos diamantes forman la base de la economía the economy is based on diamonds3(conocimientos básicos): tiene una sólida base científica he has a sound basic knowledge of o he has a sound grounding in sciencellegó sin ninguna base he hadn't mastered the basics when he arrivedCompuestos:databaserelational databaseC ( en locs):a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recoveredlo consiguió a base de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to achieve itun régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet, a diet mainly consisting of vegetablesuna bebida a base de ginebra a gin-based drinkvive a base de pastillas pills are what keep her goingde base ‹planteamiento/error› fundamental, basic;‹militante› rank-and-file ( before n), ordinary ( before n); ‹movimiento/democracia› grass roots ( before n)en base a las recientes encuestas on the evidence o basis of recent pollsuna propuesta de negociación en base a un programa de diez puntos a proposal for negotiations based on a ten-point planD (centro de operaciones) baseCompuestos:air baselaunch sitecenter* of operations, operational headquarters ( sing o pl)military basenaval baseE ( Pol) tbbases rank and file (pl)F ( Mat) baseG ( Quím) baseI1 (en béisbol) base2base2la idea base partió de … the basic idea stemmed from …* * *
Del verbo basar: ( conjugate basar)
basé es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
base es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
basar ( conjugate basar) verbo transitivo ‹teoría/idea› base algo en algo to base sth on sth
basarse verbo pronominala) [ persona] basese EN algo:◊ ¿en qué te basas para decir eso? and what basis o grounds do you have for saying that?;
se basó en esos datos he based his argument (o theory etc) on that informationb) [teoría/creencia/idea/opinión] basese EN algo to be based on sth
base sustantivo femenino
b) tb
tengo suficiente base para asegurar eso I have sufficient grounds to claim that;
sentar las bases de algo to lay the foundations of sth;
tomar algo como base to take sth as a starting pointb) ( conocimientos básicos):
llegó al curso sin ninguna base he didn't have the basics when he began the course;
base de datos database
3 ( en locs)◊ a base de: un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet;
vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills
4 ( centro de operaciones) base;◊ base aérea/naval/militar air/naval/military base
basar verbo transitivo to base [en, on]
I sustantivo femenino
1 base
2 (fundamento de una teoría, de un argumento) basis, (motivo) grounds: tus quejas no tienen base alguna, your complaints are groundless
3 (conocimientos previos) grounding: tiene muy mala base en matemáticas, he's got a very poor grasp of maths
4 Mil base
base aérea/naval, air/naval base
5 Inform base de datos, data base
II fpl
1 Pol the grass roots: las bases no apoyan al candidato, the candidate didn't get any grass-roots support
2 (de un concurso) rules
♦ Locuciones: a base de: la fastidiaron a base de bien, they really messed her about
a base de estudiar consiguió aprobar, he passed by studying
a base de extracto de camomila, using camomile extract
' base' also found in these entries:
- bajo
- basar
- columpiarse
- concentración
- esquema
- fundar
- fundamentar
- fundarse
- innoble
- mantenerse
- pie
- salario
- somier
- subsistir
- tejemaneje
- asiento
- banco
- bastardo
- cimentar
- fundamento
- inicial
- mantener
- rejilla
- sueldo
air base
- base
- basis
- circuit board
- cornerstone
- data base
- decision making
- fatty
- foundation
- from
- grounding
- rank
- rationale
- roll out
- stand
- undercoat
- work
- air
- ball
- base pay
- bed
- cover
- data
- educated
- found
- French
- go
- ground
- hard
- home
- model
- pickle
- primary
- report
- rocky
- sordid
- squash
- staple
- starchy
- taxable
- under
* * *♦ nf1. [parte inferior] base;[de edificio] foundations;colocaron un ramo de flores en la base del monumento they placed a bunch of flowers at the foot of the monumentbase de maquillaje foundation (cream)2. [fundamento, origen] basis;el respeto al medio ambiente es la base de un desarrollo equilibrado respect for the environment is o forms the basis of balanced development;el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oil;salí de la universidad con una sólida base humanística I left university with a solid grounding in the humanities;ese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sand;esta teoría carece de base this theory is unfounded, this theory is not founded on solid arguments;partimos de la base de que… we assume that…;se parte de la base de que todos ya saben leer we're starting with the assumption that everyone can read;sentar las bases para… to lay the foundations of…;sobre la base de esta encuesta se concluye que… on the basis of this opinion poll, it can be concluded that… Fin base imponible taxable income3. [conocimientos básicos] grounding;habla mal francés porque tiene mala base she doesn't speak French well because she hasn't learnt the basics properly4. [militar, científica] basebase aérea air base;base espacial space station;base de lanzamiento launch site;base naval naval base;base de operaciones operational base;[aeropuerto civil ] base (of operations)5. Quím base6. Geom base7. Mat base8. Ling base (form)base de datos documental documentary database;base de datos relacional relational database11.bases [para prueba, concurso] rules12.las bases [de partido, sindicato] the grass roots, the rank and file;afiliado de las bases grassroots member13. [en béisbol] base;Méxdar base por bola a alguien to walk sb♦ nmf[en baloncesto] guard♦ a base de loc prepby (means of);me alimento a base de verduras I live on vegetables;el flan está hecho a base de huevos crème caramel is made with eggs;a base de no hacer nada by not doing anything;a base de trabajar duro fue ascendiendo puestos she moved up through the company by working hard;aprender a base de equivocarse to learn the hard way;se sacó la carrera a base de codos she got her degree by sheer hard workEsp Fama base de bien: nos humillaron a base de bien they really humiliated us;lloraba a base de bien he was crying his eyes out;los niños disfrutaron a base de bien the children had a great time♦ en base a loc prep[considerado incorrecto] on the basis of;en base a lo visto hasta ahora, no creo que puedan ganar from what I've seen so far, I don't think they can win;el plan se efectuará en base a lo convenido the plan will be carried out in accordance with the terms agreed upon* * *I f1 QUÍM, MAT, MIL, DEP base2:3:una dieta a base de frutas a diet based on fruit, a fruit-based diet;consiguió comprarse una casa a base de ahorrar he managed to buy a house by (dint of) saving;nos divertimos a base de bien we had a really o fam a real good time* * *base nf1) : base, bottom2) : base (in baseball)3) fundamento: basis, foundation4)base de datos : database5)a base de : based on, by means of6)en base a : based on, on the basis of* * *base n1. (en general) base
См. также в других словарях:
machine tool — machine tooled, adj. a power operated machine, as a lathe, used for general cutting and shaping of metal and other substances. [1860 65] * * * Stationary, power driven machine used to cut, shape, or form materials such as metal and wood. Machine… … Universalium
Glossary of terms associated with diabetes — This page lists and explains terms connected with diabetes. NOTOC A *Acanthosis nigricans A brown to black, poorly defined, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin, usually present in the posterior and lateral folds of the neck, the axilla, groin,… … Wikipedia
High-intensity focused ultrasound — Contents 1 Theory 2 Aiming 3 How HIFU works 4 Method of use … Wikipedia
High intensity focused ultrasound — HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) (sometimes FUS or HIFUS) is a highly precise medical procedure using high intensity focused ultrasound to heat and destroy pathogenic tissue rapidly. It is one modality of therapeutic ultrasound, and… … Wikipedia
Epidural — This article is about the anaesthetic technique. For the anatomical site, see Epidural space. For other uses, see Epidural (disambiguation). Did you mean Epidural hematoma, a type of traumatic brain injury? Epidural Intervention … Wikipedia
Breast cancer screening — refers to the medical screening of asymptomatic, apparently healthy women for breast cancer in an attempt to achieve an earlier diagnosis. The assumption is that early detection will improve outcomes. A number of screening test have been employed … Wikipedia
X-ray computed tomography — For non medical computed tomography, see Industrial CT Scanning. catSCAN redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Transformers: Universe. X ray computed tomography Intervention A patient is receiving a CT scan for cancer. Outsid … Wikipedia
ultrasonics — /ul treuh son iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of science that deals with the effects of sound waves above human perception. [1930 35; see ULTRASONIC, ICS] * * * Vibrational or stress waves in elastic media that have a frequency above… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
medicine, history of — Introduction the development of the prevention and treatment of disease from prehistoric and ancient times to the 20th century. Medicine and surgery before 1800 Primitive (primitive culture) medicine and folklore Unwritten history is not… … Universalium
Computed tomography — tomos (slice) and graphein (to write).Computed tomography was originally known as the EMI scan as it was developed at a research branch of EMI, a company best known today for its music and recording business. It was later known as computed axial… … Wikipedia